This is a short tutorial on how you can install softwares from packages of tar.gz or tar.bz2 extension.
Basically 5 steps
1) Uncompress and Extract Packages
for ‘tar.gz’ — >
yo@home:~$ tar -zxvf package_name.tar.gz
for ‘tar.bz2’ —– >
yo@home:~$ tar -jxvf package_name.tar.bz2
2) Change to the extracted directory
yo@home:~$ cd package_name
3) Configuring
yo@home:~/package_name$ ./configure
This creates a MakeFile which is the needed for the next step, which is building.( Make sure that no errors are reported while configuring so as to move to the next step.)
4) Building
yo@home:~/package_name$ make
5) Installing
You need to be the root user to install the software.
yo@home:~/package_name$ su –
root@home:~/package_name# make install
The above command will install the desired software to the default location if everything goes fine. 🙂
To uninstall
As root execute the following command
root@home:~/package_name# make uninstall